Headshield Slug (Chelidonura amoena) - Marine Life - Liveaboard Diving
Headshield Slug (Chelidonura amoena) - Marine Life - Liveaboard Diving

Headshield Slug

Headshield Slug (Chelidonura amoena) found in Indo-Pacific tropical seas at depths from 2-20 metres.

Headshield Slug
Headshield Slug
Credit: Johan Folmeus
Headshield Slug Chelidonura amoena
Scientific Rank
Mollusca (Mollusks / Molluscs)
Order: Cephalaspidea (Slugs (Headshield) & Bubble Snails)
Family: Aglajidae (Aglajidae)
Genus: Chelidonura (Chelidonura)
Species: Chelidonura amoena
Average Size: 5 centimetres

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